The entire Second Misconceptions Proceedings is currently available on our Macintosh CD-ROM. It is in the QuickTime format. We have listed titles, authors, page numbers, and QuickTime file and bookmark information below.
- Title: Teaching Implications of Misconceptions in Probability and Statistics
- Author: Agnoli, F.
- Page Number: 1
- QuickTime File Vol. 1 f001-015
- Bookmark-Author Agnoli-Probability and Stats
- Bookmark-Keyword: Probability and Statistics
- Title: Using Vee Diagrams to Clarify Third-Grade Students' Misconceptions During a Science Experiment
- Author: Alvarez, M.C. & Risko, V.J.
- Page Number: 6
- QuickTime File Vol. 1 f001-015
- Bookmark-Author Alvarez-Vee Diagrams
- Bookmark-Keyword: Vee Diagrams
- Title: Justifications of Answers to Multiple Choice Items as Means for Identifying Misconceptions
- Author: Amir, R., Frankl, D.R. & Tamir, P.
- Page Number: 15
- QuickTime File Vol. 1 f016-050
- Bookmark-Author Amir-Identifying Misconceptions
- Bookmark-Keyword: Identifying Misconceptions
- Title: The Effect of the Testing Format on the Distribution of the Results
- Author: Bar, V.
- Page Number: 26
- QuickTime File Vol. 1 f016-050
- Bookmark-Author Bar-Testing
- Bookmark-Keyword: Effects of Testing Format
- Title: The Design, Implementation and Evaluation of a Microbiology Course with Special Reference to Misconceptions and Concept Maps
- Author: Barenholz, H. & Tamir, P.
- Page Number: 32
- QuickTime File Vol. 1 016-050
- Bookmark-Author Barenholz-Course Design
- Bookmark-Keyword: Course Design and Concept Mapping
- Title: Misconceptions, Conflict, and Discussion in the Teaching of Graphical Interpretation
- Author: Bell, A.
- Page Number: 46
- QuickTime File Vol. 1 f051-150
- Bookmark-Author Bell-Graphical Interpretations
- Bookmark-Keyword: Graphical Interpretations
- Title: Open-Endedness in the Empirical-Analytic Mode: One Conception of Scientific Progress
- Author: Benson, G.D.
- Page Number: 59
- QuickTime File Vol. 1 f051-150
- Bookmark-Author Benson-Empirical-Analytic Mode
- Bookmark-Keyword: Empirical-Analytic Mode
- Title: A Programmatic Approach to Teaching and Learning About Student Understanding of Science and Natural Resource Concepts Related to Environmental Issues
- Author: Brody, M.J.
- Page Number: 67
- QuickTime File Vol. 1 f051-150
- Bookmark-Author Brody-Science Concepts
- Bookmark-Keyword: Concepts of Science Students
- Title: 'Misconceptions' Across Subject Matters: Science, Mathematics, and Programming
- Author: Confrey, J.
- Page Number: 81
- QuickTime File Vol. 1 f051-150
- Bookmark-Author Confrey-Miscon. Across Subjects
- Bookmark-Keyword: Misconceptions Across Subjects
- Title:The Computer in Creative Mathematics
- Author: Coutant, M.F. & Parson, D.
- Page Number: 107
- QuickTime File Vol. 1 f051-150
- Bookmark-Author Coutant-Computers and Math
- Bookmark-Keyword: Computers in Creative Math
- Title: Re-energizing the School Mathematics Curriculum
- Author: Crawford, D.H.
- Page Number: 122
- QuickTime File Vol. 1 f051-150
- Bookmark-Author Crawford-Math Curriculum
- Bookmark-Keyword: Mathematics Curriculum
- Title: Metacognition and Mathematical Problem Solving
- Author: DeFranco, T.C.
- Page Number: 136
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f151-350
- Bookmark-Author: DeFranco-Metacognition
- Bookmark-Keyword: Metacognition and Problem Solving
- Title:Research on Students' Alternative Frameworks in Science - Topics, Theoretical Frameworks, Consequences for Science Teaching
- Author: Duit, R.
- Page Number: 151
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f151-350
- Bookmark-Author: Duit-Alternative Frameworks
- Bookmark-Keyword: Alternative Frameworks
- Title:Philosophy of Science in Teacher Education
- Author: Eger, M.
- Page Number: 163
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f151-350
- Bookmark-Author: Eger-Philosophy in Science
- Bookmark-Keyword: Philosophy in Science
- Title: Distinguishing Student Misconceptions from Alternative Conceptual Frameworks Through the Construction of Concept Maps
- Author: Feldsine, J.E., Jr.
- Page Number: 177
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f151-350
- Bookmark-Author: Feldsine-Concept Maps
- Bookmark-Keyword: Misconceptions and Concept Maps
- Title: Using Hierarchical Concept/Proposition Maps to Plan Instruction that Addresses Existing and Potential Student Misunderstandings in Science
- Author: Fowler, T.W. & Bou Jaoude, S.
- Page Number: 182
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f151-350
- Bookmark-Author: Fowler-Misunderstandings
- Bookmark-Keyword: Misunderstandings in Science
- Title: Concept Maps as Reflectors of Conceptual Understanding
- Author: Fraser, K. & Edwards, J.
- Page Number: 187
- QuickTime File: Vol 1. f151-350
- Bookmark-Author: Fraser-Concept Maps
- Bookmark-Keyword: Concept Maps and Understanding
- Title:Student Use of Computers to Self-Evaluate Data from Introductory Physics Laboratories
- Author: Fredette, N.H.
- Page Number: 193
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f151-350
- Bookmark-Author: Fredette-Computers
- Bookmark-Keyword: Computers and Self-Evaluation
- Title: Erroneous Conceptions of Computing Concepts
- Author: Galloway, J.P. & Bright, G.W.
- Page Number: 206
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f151-350
- Bookmark-Author: Galloway-Computing Concepts
- Bookmark-Keyword: Concept. in Computing
- Title: Conventional Science and Street Science in the West Indies
- Author: George, J. & Galsgow, J.
- Page Number: 220
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f151-350
- Bookmark-Author: George- Science in W. Indies
- Bookmark-Keyword: Science in West Indies
- Title: Changing the Meaning of Experience: Empowering Teachers and Students Through Vee Diagrams and Principles of Educating to Reduce Misconceptions in Science and Mathematics, A Mode of Reform
- Author: Gowin, D.B.
- Page Number: 233
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f151-350
- Bookmark-Author: Gowin-Vee Diagrams
- Bookmark-Keyword: Vee Diagramming and Miscon.
- Title: Misconceptions in Science and Mathematics-A View from Britain
- Author: Hartfree, W.E.
- Page Number: 241
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f151-350
- Bookmark-Author: Hartfree-Miscon. in Science
- Bookmark-Keyword: Miscon. in Science and Math
- Title: The Use of Concept Mapping to Diagnose Misconceptions in Biology and Earth Science
- Author: Hoz, R., Tomer, Y., Bowman, D. & Chayoth, R.
- Page Number: 245
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f151-350
- Bookmark-Author: Hoz-Concept Mapping
- Bookmark-Keyword: Concept Mapping in Biology
- Title: The Standard Normal Distribution and the Calculation of Z-Scores: Pitfalls, Misconceptions, and Solutions
- Author: Jackson, L., Shklov, N. & Durocher, G.
- Page Number: 257
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f151-350
- Bookmark-Author: Jackson-Standard Normal Dist.
- Bookmark-Keyword: Standard Normal Distribution
- Title: Misconceptions about Motivation in Teaching Mathematics
- Author: Kuendiger, E.
- Page Number: 269
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f151-350
- Bookmark-Author: Kuendiger-Mathematics
- Bookmark-Keyword: Teaching Mathematics
- Title: Development of Expert Systems: An Instructional Strategy for Dealing with Misconceptions
- Author: Lippert, R.
- Page Number: 275
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f151-350
- Bookmark-Author: Lippert-Instructional Strategy
- Bookmark-Keyword: Instructional Strategies
- Title: Experiment as the Objectification of Theory: Galileo's Revolution
- Author: Matthews, M.R.
- Page Number: 289
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f151-350
- Bookmark-Author: Matthews-Galileo's Revolution
- Bookmark-Keyword: Objectification of Theory
- Title: Common Sense Knowledge Versus Scientific Knowledge: The Case of Pressure, Weight, and Gravity
- Author: Mayer, M.
- Page Number: 299
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f151-350
- Bookmark-Author: Mayer-Comparison of Knowledge
- Bookmark-Keyword: Comparison of Knowledge
- Title: Engagement in Learning, Resistance to Schooling: Some Implications of Conceptual Teaching
- Author: McCasland, M.
- Page Number: 311
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f151-350
- Bookmark-Author: McCasland-Conceptual Teaching
- Bookmark-Keyword: Conceptual Teaching
- Title: Standardized Testing for Misconceptions in Basic Mathematics
- Author: Niedderer, H.
- Page Number: 335
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f151-350
- Bookmark-Author: Niedderer-Alternative Frameworks
- Bookmark-Keyword: Alternative Framework-Physics
- Title: Human Constructivism: Toward a Unity of Psychological and Epistemological Meaning Making
- Author: Novak, J.D.
- Page Number: 349
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f351-550
- Bookmark-Author: Novak-Human Constructivism
- Bookmark-Keyword: Human Constructivism
- Title: The Physical-Chemical Reduction of Life: Paradigm, Biologists, and Human Value
- Author: Nussbaum, J. & Giami, S.
- Page Number: 361
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f351-550
- Bookmark-Author: Nussbaum-Paradigms
- Bookmark-Keyword: Paradigms and Human Values
- Title: Learning Science Through Experiential Software
- Author: Osborne, J. & Squires, D.
- Page Number: 373
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f351-550
- Bookmark-Author: Osborne- Experiential Software
- Bookmark-Keyword: Learning and Software
- Title: Patterns of Misunderstanding. An Integrative Model of Misconceptions in Science, Math, and Programming
- Author: Perkins, D.N. & Simmons, R.
- Page Number: 381
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f351-550
- Bookmark-Author: Perkins-Misunderstandings
- Bookmark-Keyword: Patterns of Misunderstandings
- Title: Secondary School Students' Learning Difficulties in Stoichiometry
- Author: Schmidt, H.J.
- Page Number: 396
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f351-550
- Bookmark-Author: Schmidt-Stoichiometry
- Bookmark-Keyword: Learning Stoichiometry
- Title: Cognitive Constraints and Spontaneous Interpretations in Physics
- Author: Sebastia, J.M.
- Page Number: 404
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f351-550
- Bookmark-Author: Sebastia- Cognitive Constraints
- Bookmark-Keyword: Cognitive Constraints in Physics
- Title: Children's Alternative Conceptions about "Mold" and "Copper Oxide"
- Author: Sequeira, M. & Freitas, M.
- Page Number: 413
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f351-550
- Bookmark-Author: Sequeira-Alternative Conception
- Bookmark-Keyword: Alternative Conceptions
- Title: What Besides Conceptions Needs to Change in Conceptual Learning?
- Author: Smith, E.L.
- Page Number: 424
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f351-550
- Bookmark-Author: Smith-Conceptual Learning
- Bookmark-Keyword: Conceptual Change Learning
- Title: The Metaphor Interview and the Analysis of Conceptual Change
- Author: Snively, G.
- Page Number: 434
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f351-550
- Bookmark-Author: Snively-Conceptual Change
- Bookmark-Keyword: Metaphor and Conceptual Change
- Title: Social Effects and Personal Cognitive Styles
- Author: Solomon, J.
- Page Number: 448
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f351-550
- Bookmark-Author: Solomon-Cognitive Style
- Bookmark-Keyword: Cognitive Style
- Title: Acquisition of Conservation of Matter
- Author: Stavy, R.
- Page Number: 456
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f351-550
- Bookmark-Author: Stavy-Conservation of Matter
- Bookmark-Keyword: Conservation of Matter
- Title: Using the Personal Interview to Determine Student Misunderstandings in Science and Some Suggestions for Alleviating those Misunderstandings
- Author: Stepans, J. & Dyche, S.
- Page Number: 466
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f351-550
- Bookmark-Author: Stepans- Misunderstandings
- Bookmark-Keyword: Misunderstandings in Science
- Title: Toward a Coherent Constructivism
- Author: Strike, K.A.
- Page Number: 481
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f351-550
- Bookmark-Author: Strike-Coherent Constructivism
- Bookmark-Keyword: Coherent Constructivism
- Title: The Irrelevance of Cognitive Science to Pedagogy: Absence of Context
- Author: Ursino, D.J.
- Page Number: 496
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f351-550
- Bookmark-Author: Ursino-Non-Science Majors
- Bookmark-Keyword: Science for Non-Science Majors
- Title: Drawing Concept Circles: A Way of Revealing What the Learner Knows
- Author: Wandersee, J.H.
- Page Number: 506
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f351-550
- Bookmark-Author: Wandersee-Concept Circles
- Bookmark-Keyword: Concept Circles
- Title: Schooling and the Development of Metacognition
- Author: Wolters, M.A.
- Page Number: 521
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f351-550
- Bookmark-Author: Wolters-Metacognition
- Bookmark-Keyword: Schooling and Metacognition
- Title: Cognitive and Affective Outcomes for Junior High Students Using Two Electricity Simulations Produced by the Microcomputer Software in Science Project
- Author: Yasso, W.E.
- Page Number: 529
- QuickTime File: Vol. 1 f351-550
- Bookmark-Author: Yasso-Software and Science
- Bookmark-Keyword: Software in Science Education
- Title: Strategies for Developing Affective Outcomes of Talented Classroom Science Teaching
- Author: Ammal, P.V.M.
- Page Number: 1
- QuickTime File: Vol 2. f001-255
- Bookmark-Author: Ammal-Affective Outcomes
- Bookmark-Keyword: Affective Outcomes
- Title: A Social Constructivist Analysis of Classroom Science Teaching
- Author: Anderson, C.W., Belt, B.L., Gamalski, J.M. & Greminger, J.E.
- Page Number: 11
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f001-255
- Bookmark-Author: Anderson-Constructivism
- Bookmark-Keyword: Constructivist Analysis
- Title: Interview Studies in Teacher Education: Examples from Extraordinary Contexts
- Author: Ault, C.R.
- Page Number: 25
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f001-255
- Bookmark-Author: Ault-Teacher Education
- Bookmark-Keyword: Teacher Education
- Title: Strategies to Improve the Teaching of Mechanics Using Computer Simulations
- Author: Bonera, G., Borghi, L., DeAmbrosis, A., Mascheretti, P. & Massara, C.I.
- Page Number: 30
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f001-255
- Bookmark-Author: Bonera-Teaching Mechanics
- Bookmark-Keyword: Computer Teaching
- Title: Teacher Beliefs About Science and Their Influence on Classroom Practice
- Author: Brickhouse, N.W., Bodner, G.M. & Neie, V.N.
- Page Number: 34
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f001-255
- Bookmark-Author: Brickhouse-Science Teacher Beliefs
- Bookmark-Keyword: Teacher Beliefs & Science
- Title: Designing Experiences To Take Account of the Development of Children's Ideas: An Example from the Teaching and Learning of Energy
- Author: Brook, A.
- Page Number: 49
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f001-255
- Bookmark-Author: Brook-Development of Ideas
- Bookmark-Keyword: Develop. of Child. Ideas
- Title: How Children Know Biological Structure-Function Relationships
- Author: Caravita, S. & Tonucci, F.
- Page Number: 65
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f001-255
- Bookmark-Author: Caravita-Relationships
- Bookmark-Keyword: Structure-Function Relations
- Title: Interview Studies in Teacher Education
- Author: Cohen, M.R.
- Page Number: 74
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f001-255
- Bookmark-Author: Cohen-Teacher Education
- Bookmark-Keyword: Studies in Teacher Education
- Title: A Description of the Strategic Knowledge of Experts Solving Transmission Genetics Problems
- Author: Collins, A.
- Page Number: 76
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f001-255
- Bookmark-Author: Collins-Strategic Knowledge
- Bookmark-Keyword: Strategic Knowledge
- Title: The Pupil and the Living Cell: A Taxonomy of Dysfunctional Ideas About an Abstract Idea
- Author: Dreyfus, A. & Jungwirth, E.
- Page Number: 91
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f001-255
- Bookmark-Author: Dreyfus-Pupil & Cells
- Bookmark-Keyword: Taxonomy of Ideas
- Title: Promoting Conceptual Change in Classroom Setting: The Experience of the Children's Learning in Science Project
- Author: Driver, R.
- Page Number: 97
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f001-255
- Bookmark-Author: Driver-Conceptual Change
- Bookmark-Keyword: Conceptual Change and Science
- Title: A Comparison of Teacher-Student Conceptions in Optics
- Author: Feher, E. & Rice, K.
- Page Number: 108
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f001-255
- Bookmark-Author: Feher-Comparison of Concept.
- Bookmark-Keyword: Comparison of Conceptions
- Title: Changes in Students' Knowledge During a Simulated Search for Oil
- Author: Finley, F.N.
- Page Number: 118
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f001-255
- Bookmark-Author: Finley-Knowledge Changes
- Bookmark-Keyword: Student Knowledge Changes
- Title: Preservice Teachers Conduct Structured Interviews with Children to Improve Instructional Methods
- Author: Flick, L.
- Page Number: 133
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f001-255
- Bookmark-Author: Flick-Interviews
- Bookmark-Keyword: Improving Instructional Methods
- Title: Using a Hierarchical Concept-Proposition Map to Plan Instruction that Addresses Existing and Potential Student Misunderstandings in Science
- Author: Fowler, T.W. & Bou Jaoude, S.
- Page Number: 138
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f001-255
- Bookmark-Author: Fowler-Concept Maps
- Bookmark-Keyword: Concept Maps and Understanding
- Title: Misconceptions about Water Pressure
- Author: Giese, P.A.
- Page Number: 143
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f001-255
- Bookmark-Author: Giese-Water Pressure
- Bookmark-Keyword: Miscon. About Water Pressure
- Title: What to do for Science Misconceptions
- Author: Gil Perez, D. & Carrascosa, A.J.
- Page Number: 149
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f001-255
- Bookmark-Author: Gil Perez-Misconceptions
- Bookmark-Keyword: Science Misconceptions
- Title: Teaching Strategies and Children's Science: An Experiment on Teaching About "Hot" and "Cold"
- Author: Grimellini Tomasini, N. & Pecori Balandi, B.
- Page Number: 158
- QuickTime File: Vol 2 f001-255
- Bookmark-Author: Grimellini-Teaching Strategies
- Bookmark-Keyword: Science Teaching Strategies
- Title: Achieving Long-Term Conceptual Change Using the Learner's Prior Knowledge and a Novel Teaching Setting
- Author: Happs, J.C. & Scherpenzel, L.
- Page Number: 172
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f001-255
- Bookmark-Author: Happs-Conceptual Change
- Bookmark-Keyword: Long-Term Conceptual Change
- Title: Identifying Conceptions of Teaching Science
- Author: Hewson, P.W. & Hewson, M.G. A'B
- Page Number: 182
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f001-255
- Bookmark-Author: Hewson-Science Conceptions
- Bookmark-Keyword: Identifying Conceptions
- Title: The Costs and Benefits of Using Conceptual Change Teaching Methods: A Teacher's Perspectives
- Author: Hesse, J.J. III
- Page Number: 194
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f001-255
- Bookmark-Author: Hesse-Conceptual Change
- Bookmark-Keyword: Teaching Methods of Concept. Change
- Title: David Hawkins, Critical Barriers, and the Education of Elementary School Science Teachers
- Author: Hills, G.L. & McAndrews, B.
- Page Number: 210
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f001-255
- Bookmark-Author: Hills-Critical Barriers
- Bookmark-Keyword: Hawkins & Critical Barriers
- Title: Selection or Adjustment? Explanations of University Biology Students for Natural Selection Problems
- Author: Jimenez Aleixandre, M.P. & Fernandez Perez, J.
- Page Number: 224
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f001-255
- Bookmark-Author: Jimenz-Aleixandre-Biology
- Bookmark-Keyword: University Biology Students
- Title: Primary School Teacher Education and Alternative Conceptions in Science
- Author: Jones, B.L.
- Page Number: 233
- QuickTime File: Vol 2. f001-255
- Bookmark-Author: Jones-Teacher Education
- Bookmark-Keyword: Teacher Educ. Alternative Concepts
- Title: Interrelated Math Concepts: Undergraduate Teacher Education Students' Perspectives
- Author: Jordan, D.
- Page Number: 239
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f001-255
- Bookmark-Author: Jordan-Math Concepts
- Bookmark-Keyword: Interrelated Math Concepts
- Title: Symbol Use and Concept Development in Genetic Engineering
- Author: Kinnear, J.F. & Martin, M.D.
- Page Number: 246
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f250-400
- Bookmark-Author: Kinnear-Concept Development
- Bookmark-Keyword: Symbols & Concept Development
- Title: Finding Out What Kids Know or "Straight from the Horses Mouth"
- Author: Kuehn, C. & McKenzie, D.L.
- Page Number: 260
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f250-400
- Bookmark-Author: Kuehn-What Kids Know
- Bookmark-Keyword: What Kids Know
- Title: A Case Study--On the "Journal Method"--A Method Designed to Enable the Implementation of Constructivist Teaching in the Classroom
- Author: Kuhn, K. & Aguirre, J.
- Page Number: 262
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f250-400
- Bookmark-Author: Kuhn-Constructivism
- Bookmark-Keyword: Constructivist Teaching
- Title: A Strategy to Deal with Conceptual and Reasoning Problems in Introductory Electricity Education
- Author: Licht, P.
- Page Number: 275
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f250-400
- Bookmark-Author: Licht-Teaching Strategies
- Bookmark-Keyword: Conceptual Reasoning Problems
- Title: Algorithmic vs. Heuristic Strategies in Computer Simulated Problem Solving
- Author: Licht, P.
- Page Number: 275
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f250-400
- Bookmark-Author: Licht-Teaching Strategies
- Bookmark-Keyword: Conceptual Reasoning Problems
- Title: Toward a Conceptualization of a Reflective Practicum in Science Teaching
- Author: MacKinnon, A.M.
- Page Number: 301
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f250-400
- Bookmark-Author: MacKinnon-Science Teaching
- Bookmark-Keyword: Reflective Practicum in Science
- Title: Students' Understanding of Parallel Lines: Some Implications for Teaching
- Author: Mansfield, H. & Happs, J.
- Page Number: 316
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f250-400
- Bookmark-Author: Mansfield-Teaching Implications
- Bookmark-Keyword: Implications for Teaching
- Title: Secondary School Students' Locus of Control and Conceptual Knowledge Relating to Health and Fitness
- Author: Merkle, D.G. & Treagust, D.F.
- Page Number: 325
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f250-400
- Bookmark-Author: Merkle-Control and Conceptual Knowledge
- Bookmark-Keyword: Control and Conceptual Knowledge
- Title: Alternative Frameworks in Animal Classification
- Author: Mintzes, J.J. & Trowbridge, J.E.
- Page Number: 338
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f250-400
- Bookmark-Author: Mintzes-Alternative Frameworks
- Bookmark-Keyword: Alternative Frameworks
- Title: Constructing a Conceptual Framework for Solving a Problem
- Author: Murray, D. & Bowbal, D.
- Page Number: 348
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f250-400
- Bookmark-Author: Murray-Conceptual Frameworks
- Bookmark-Keyword: Conceptual Frameworks
- Title: A Teaching Strategy Based on Students' Alternative Frameworks-Theoretical Concepts and Examples
- Author: Niedderer, H.
- Page Number: 360
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f250-400
- Bookmark-Author: Niedderer-Alternative Framework
- Bookmark-Keyword: Teaching Altern. Frameworks
- Title: Changing Students' Explanatory Frameworks Concerning the Nature of Light Using Real Time Computer Analysis of Laboratory Experiments and Computerized Explanatory Simulations of e.m. Radiation
- Author: Reiner, M. & Finegold, M.
- Page Number: 368
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f250-400
- Bookmark-Author: Reiner-Explanatory Framework
- Bookmark-Keyword: Changing Explanatory Frameworks
- Title: Teachers-as-Learners: Images from the Past and Implications of a (Generative) Constructivist Perspective for the future
- Author: Richardson, M.
- Page Number: 378
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f250-400
- Bookmark-Author: Richardson-Constructivism
- Bookmark-Keyword: Teacher's and Learners
- Title: Health Education for Children. Developing a New Strategy
- Author: Schall, V.T., Jurberg, P., Boruchovitch, e., Feliz-Sousa, I.C., Rosemberg, B. & de Vasconcellos, M.C.
- Page Number: 390
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f250-400
- Bookmark-Author: Schall-Health Education
- Bookmark-Keyword: Health Education
- Title: The Process of Conceptual Change in Science: A Case Study of the Development of a Secondary Pupil's Ideas Relating to Matter
- Author: Scott, P.
- Page Number: 404
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f250-400
- Bookmark-Author: Scott-Conceptual Change
- Bookmark-Keyword: Conceptual Change Process
- Title: Analogical Reasoning and Formalization in Transport Processes
- Author: Segre', G., Giani, U., & Masillo, S.
- Page Number: 420
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f250-400
- Bookmark-Author: Segre'-Transport Processes
- Bookmark-Keyword: Analogical Reasoning
- Title: Critical Thinking in Teacher Education Programs
- Author: Sequeira, M. & Freitas, M.
- Page Number: 425
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f250-400
- Bookmark-Author: Sequeira-Critical Thinking
- Bookmark-Keyword: Teacher Education Programs
- Title: Introducing Concept Mapping in the Day to Day Science Curriculum
- Author: Sieben, G.
- Page Number: 436
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f250-400
- Bookmark-Author: Sieben-Concept Mapping
- Bookmark-Keyword: Science and Concept Mapping
- Title: Misconceptions of Experts and Novices During a Genetics Computer Simulation
- Author: Simmons, P.E.
- Page Number: 447
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f445-548
- Bookmark-Author: Simmons-Computer Simulation
- Bookmark-Keyword: Miscon. in Experts and Novices
- Title: A Description of Student Problem-Solving Performance on Realistic Genetics Problems
- Author: Slack, S.J. & Stewart, J.
- Page Number: 452
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f445-548
- Bookmark-Author: Slack-Problem-Solving
- Bookmark-Keyword: Student Problem-Solving
- Title: Primary Teachers' Misconceptions About Light and Shadows
- Author: Smith, D.C.
- Page Number: 461
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f445-548
- Bookmark-Author: Smith-Misconceptions
- Bookmark-Keyword: Teacher Misconceptions
- Title: Computers as Tutors: MENDEL as an Example
- Author: Stewart, J., Streibel, M. & Collins, A.
- Page Number: 477
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f445-548
- Bookmark-Author: Stewart-Computers
- Bookmark-Keyword: Computers as Tutors
- Title: Cross Cultural Analysis of Student Understanding of Marine Science and Natural Resource Concepts Related to the Gulf of Maine
- Author: Stilwell, S. & Brody, M.
- Page Number: 490
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 455-548
- Bookmark-Author: Stilwell-Marine Science
- Bookmark-Keyword: Understanding Marine Science
- Title: A Study of Conceptual Change in the Content Domain of the Lunary Phase
- Author: Targan, D.
- Page Number: 499
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f455-548
- Bookmark-Author: Targan-Conceptual Change
- Bookmark-Keyword: Conceptual Changes
- Title: An Approach for Helping Students and Teachers Diagnose Misconceptions in Specific Science Areas
- Author: Treagust, D.F.
- Page Number: 512
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f455-548
- Bookmark-Author: Treagust-Science
- Bookmark-Keyword: Diagnosing Miscon. in Science
- Title: Children's Biology: A Content Analysis of Conceptual Development in the Life Sciences
- Author: Wandersee, J.H. & Mintzes, J.J.
- Page Number: 523
- QuickTime File: Vol. 2 f455-548
- Bookmark-Author: Wandersee-Concept Development
- Bookmark-Keyword: Analysis of Content Development
- Title: Some Aspects of Students' Conceptions and Difficulties about Differentials
- Author: Artigue, M. & Viennot, L.
- Page Number: 1
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f001-285
- Bookmark-Author: Artigue- Differentials
- Bookmark-Keyword: Learning About Differentials
- Title: Some Perspectives on the Teaching of Mathematics and Natural Science in an Engineering Curriculum
- Author: Baker, D.C.
- Page Number: 9
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f001-285
- Bookmark-Author: Baker-Engineering
- Bookmark-Keyword: Teaching Math & Natural Sciences
- Title: Magnet Concepts and Elementary Students' Misconceptions
- Author: Barrrow, L.H.
- Page Number: 17
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f001-285
- Bookmark-Author: Barrow-Misconceptions
- Bookmark-Keyword: Magent Concepts and Mison.
- Title: Misconceptions Among Pupils Regarding Geometrical Optics
- Author: Bouwens, R.E.A.
- Page Number: 23
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f001-285
- Bookmark-Author: Bouwens-Geometrical Optics
- Bookmark-Keyword: Miscon. About Geometrical Optics
- Title: Misconceptions Concerning Newton's Law of Action and Reaction: The Underestimated Importance of the Third Law
- Author: Brown, D.E. & Clement, J.
- Page Number: 39
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f001-285
- Bookmark-Author: Brown-Newton's Third Law
- Bookmark-Keyword: Miscon. About Newton's Third Law
- Title: Misconceptions in Physics: Research Findings Among Brazilian Students
- Author: Buchweitz, B. & Moreira, M.A.
- Page Number: 54
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f001-285
- Bookmark-Author: Buchweitz-Physics
- Bookmark-Keyword: Misconceptions in Physics
- Title: High School Student's Ideas About Energy of Chemical Reactions
- Author: Cachapuz, A.F. & Martins, I.P.
- Page Number: 60
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f001-285
- Bookmark-Author: Cachapuz- Chemical Reactions
- Bookmark-Keyword: Energy of Chemical Reactions
- Title: How Student Conceptions of the Nasture of Chemistry and Mathematics Influence Problem Solving
- Author: Carter, C. & Bodner, G.
- Page Number: 69
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f001-285
- Bookmark-Author: Carter- Problem Solving
- Bookmark-Keyword: Problem Solving
- Title: Overcoming Students' Misconceptions in Physics: The Role of Anchoring Intuitions and Analogical Validity
- Author: Clement, J.
- Page Number: 84
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f001-285
- Bookmark-Author: Clement-Physics
- Bookmark-Keyword: Physics Misconceptions
- Title: Fractional Understanding of Fractions: Variations in Children's Understanding of Fractional Concepts, Across Embodiments (Grades 2 through 5)
- Author: Clements, M.A. & Del Campo, G.
- Page Number: 98
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f001-285
- Bookmark-Author: Clements-Fractions
- Bookmark-Keyword: Understanding Fractions
- Title: Student Representations of Simple Electric Circuits
- Author: Danusso, L. & Dupre', F.
- Page Number: 111
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f001-285
- Bookmark-Author: Danusso- Electric Circuits
- Bookmark-Keyword: Simple Electric Circuits
- Title: Hierarchically Structured Problem Solving in Elementary Mechanics: Guiding Novices' Problem Analysis
- Author: Dufresne, R., Gerace, W., Hardiman, P.T., & Mestre, J.
- Page Number: 116
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f001-285
- Bookmark-Author: Dufresne-Elementary Mechanics
- Bookmark-Keyword: Prob. Solving in Elem. Mechanics
- Title: Mathematics and Chemistry Problems Created By Students
- Author: Ellerton, N.F. & Ellerton, H.D.
- Page Number: 131
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f001-285
- Bookmark-Author: Ellerton-Math and Chem.
- Bookmark-Keyword: Chem. and Math Problems
- Title: Pragmatical Conceptions in the Atomic Domain
- Author: Faucher, G.
- Page Number: 137
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f001-285
- Bookmark-Author: Faucher- Pragmatical Conceptions
- Bookmark-Keyword: Pragmatical Conceptions
- Title: The Psychological Structure of Naive Impetus Conceptions
- Author: Fischbein, E., Stavy, R. & Manaim, H.
- Page Number: 143
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f001-285
- Bookmark-Author: Fischbein- Naive Conceptions
- Bookmark-Keyword: Naive Impetus Conceptions
- Title: Do We Feel Forces?
- Author: Fuchs, H.U.
- Page Number: 152
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f001-285
- Bookmark-Author: Fuchs-Forces
- Bookmark-Keyword: Forces
- Title: Thermodynamics: A "Misconceives" Theory
- Author: Fuchs, H.U.
- Page Number: 160
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f001-285
- Bookmark-Author: Fuchs-Thermodynamics
- Bookmark-Keyword: Thermodynamics
- Title: Electrostatics and Electrodynamics-The Missing Link in Students' Conceptions
- Author: Ganiel, U. & Eylon, B.S.
- Page Number: 168
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f001-285
- Bookmark-Author: Ganiel-Electrostatics
- Bookmark-Keyword: Electrostatics and Electrodynamics
- Title: Using an Interactive Videodisc as a Tool for Investigating and Facilitating Student Understanding in Geometrical Optics
- Author: Goldberg, F.M.
- Page Number: 180
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f001-285
- Bookmark-Author: Goldberg-Geometrical Optics
- Bookmark-Keyword: Videodisc and Geometrical Optics
- Title: The Roles of Students and Teachers in Misconceptualization of Aspects in "Chemical Equilibrium"
- Author: Gorodetsky, M. & Gussarsky, E.
- Page Number: 187
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f001-285
- Bookmark-Author: Gorodetsky- Chemical Equilibrium
- Bookmark-Keyword: Chemical Equilibrium
- Title: Physics Novices' Judgments of Solution Similarity: When Are They Based on Principles?
- Author: Hardiman, P.T., Dufresne, R. & Mestre, J.
- Page Number: 194
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f001-285
- Bookmark-Author: Hardiman- Solution Similarity
- Bookmark-Keyword: Solution Similarity-Physics
- Title: Declarative and Procedural Knowledge and Isomorphism of Speed Problems
- Author: Harel, G. & Hoz, R.
- Page Number: 203
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f001-285
- Bookmark-Author: Harel- Speed Problems
- Bookmark-Keyword: Knowledge and Speed Problems
- Title: Aggregate Versus Individual Element Interpretations to Facilitate Part-Whole Representations
- Author: Harel, G., Smith, D., & Behr, M.
- Page Number: 211
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f001-285
- Bookmark-Author: Harel-Element Interpretations
- Bookmark-Keyword: Element Interpretations
- Title: Strategies for Self-Regulated Learning form Computerized Practice in Arithmetic
- Author: Hativa, N.
- Page Number: 216
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f001-285
- Bookmark-Author: Hativa- Self-Reg. Learning
- Bookmark-Keyword:Self-Regulated Learning
- Title: Use of Core Propositions in Solving Current Electricity Problems
- Author: Heller, P.
- Page Number: 225
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f001-285
- Bookmark-Author: Heller-Electricity Prob.
- Bookmark-Keyword: Electricity Problems
- Title: Informal Geometry is the True Geometry
- Author: Henderson, D.W.
- Page Number: 236
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f001-285
- Bookmark-Author: Henderson-Geometry
- Bookmark-Keyword: Geometry
- Title: The Acquisition of Concepts and Misconceptions in Basic Geometry- Or When "A Little Learning is a Dangerous Thing"
- Author: Hershkowitz, R.
- Page Number: 238
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f001-285
- Bookmark-Author: Hershkowitz-Geometry
- Bookmark-Keyword: Miscon. in Basic Geometry
- Title: An Investigation of Sources of Misconceptions in Physics
- Author: Ivowi, U.M.O. & Oludotun, J.S.O.
- Page Number: 252
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f001-285
- Bookmark-Author: Ivowi-Miscon. in Physics
- Bookmark-Keyword: Misconceptions in Physics
- Title: Aspects of the Understanding and Teaching of the Laws of Science
- Author: Jordaan, A.S.
- Page Number: 258
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f001-285
- Bookmark-Author: Jordaan- Laws of Science
- Bookmark-Keyword: Teaching Laws of Science
- Title: Understanding Students' Understanding: The Case of Elementary Optics
- Author: Jung, W.
- Page Number: 268
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f001-285
- Bookmark-Author: Jung- Elementary Optics
- Bookmark-Keyword: Elementary Optics
- Title: A Syntactic Source of a Common "Misconception" About Acceleration
- Author: Kenealy, P.
- Page Number: 278
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f280-600
- Bookmark-Author: Kenealy-Acceleration
- Bookmark-Keyword: Misconceptions in Acceleration
- Title: Pupils Are Able
- Author: Karrqvist, C.
- Page Number: 293
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f280-600
- Bookmark-Author: Karrqvist-Pupils
- Bookmark-Keyword: Pupils Are Able
- Title: A Research Strategy for the Dynamic Study of Students' Concepts Using Computer Simulations
- Author: Krajcik, J.S. & Lunetta, V.N.
- Page Number: 297
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f280-600
- Bookmark-Author: Krajcik-Computer Simulations
- Bookmark-Keyword: Computers and Student Concepts
- Title: The Development of the Concept of Speed: A Case of Different Frames of Reference
- Author: Levin, I. & Gardosh, R.
- Page Number: 302
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f280-600
- Bookmark-Author: Levin-Concept of Speed
- Bookmark-Keyword: Develop. of Concept of Speed
- Title: Contemporary Cosmological Beliefs
- Author: Lightman, A.P., Miller, J.D. & Leadbeater, B.J.
- Page Number: 309
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f280-600
- Bookmark-Author: Lightman-Cosmological Beliefs
- Bookmark-Keyword: Cosmological Beliefs
- Title: Tertiary Physics: A Case Study in Students' Conception of Sound
- Author: Linder, C.J.
- Page Number: 322
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f280-600
- Bookmark-Author: Linder-Tertiary Physics
- Bookmark-Keyword: Students' Concept. of Sound
- Title: Rule Usage on Related Tasks: Patterns of Consistency
- Author: Maloney, D.P.
- Page Number: 335
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f280-600
- Bookmark-Author: Maloney-Patterns of Consistency
- Bookmark-Keyword: Patterns of Consistency
- Title: Clarification of Conservation of Liquid Quantity and Liquid Volume
- Author: Mermelstein, E.
- Page Number: 350
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f280-600
- Bookmark-Author: Mermelstein-Conserv. of Liquid
- Bookmark-Keyword: Conservation of Liquid
- Title: Concept Mapping as a Possible Strategy to Detect and to Deal with Misconceptions in Physics
- Author: Moreira, M.A.
- Page Number: 352
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f280--600
- Bookmark-Author: Moreira-Concept Mapping
- Bookmark-Keyword: C-Mapping & Miscon. in Physics
- Title: Patterns of Mathematical Misconceptions as Revealed on Tests of Algebra Readiness
- Author: Oppenheim, J.R.
- Page Number: 361
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f280-600
- Bookmark-Author: Oppenheim-Math Misconceptions
- Bookmark-Keyword: Mathematical Misconceptions
- Title: Comprehension Monitoring in Learning from Scientific Text
- Author: Peck, D.M.
- Page Number: 376
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 Vol. f280-600
- Bookmark-Author: Peck-Problem Solving
- Bookmark-Keyword: Solving Problems
- Title: Preconceived Knowledge of Certain Newtonian Concepts Among Gifted and Non-Gifted Eleventh Grade Physics Students
- Author: Placek, W.A.
- Page Number: 386
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f280-600
- Bookmark-Author: Placek-Newtonian Concepts
- Bookmark-Keyword: Newtonian Concepts
- Title: Alternative Frameworks About the Learning of Changes of State of Aggregation of Matter: Sorting of Answers into Models
- Author: Rafel, J. & Mans, C.
- Page Number: 392
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f280-600
- Bookmark-Author: Rafel-Alternative Frameworks
- Bookmark-Keyword: Alternative Frameworks
- Title: Pupils Conception of Matter. A Phenomenographic Approach
- Author: Renstrom, L.
- Page Number: 400
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f280-600
- Bookmark-Author: Renstrom-Conceptions of Matter
- Bookmark-Keyword: Conceptions of Matter
- Title: Misconceptions in Environmental Chemistry Among Norwegian Students
- Author: Ringnes, V.
- Page Number: 415
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f280-600
- Bookmark-Author: Rignes-Environ. Chemistry
- Bookmark-Keyword: Miscon. in Environ. Chemistry
- Title: Misconceptions in Astronomy
- Author: Sadler, P.M.
- Page Number: 422
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f280-600
- Bookmark-Author: Sadler-Astronomy
- Bookmark-Keyword: Misconceptions in Astronomy
- Title: Relating Concepts to Problem Solving in the Determination of Meaning in Mathematics
- Author: Schmittau, J.
- Page Number: 426
- QuickTime File: Vol. s 280-600
- Bookmark-Author: Schmittau-Problem Solving
- Bookmark-Keyword: Prob. Solving and Mathematics
- Title: Overcoming Misconceptions with a Computer-Based Tutor
- Author: Schultz, K., Murray, T., Clement, J. & Brown, D.
- Page Number: 434
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f280-600
- Bookmark-Author: Schultz-Misconceptions
- Bookmark-Keyword:Computer and Misconceptions
- Title: Understanding Scientific Derivations: A Task Analysis and Constructivist Learning Strategy
- Author: Schuster, D.G.
- Page Number: 448
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f280-600
- Bookmark-Author: Schuster-Learning Strategy
- Bookmark-Keyword: Scientific Derivations
- Title: Errors and Misconceptions in College Level Theorem Proving
- Author: Selden, A. & Selden, J.
- Page Number: 457
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f280-600
- Bookmark-Author: Selden-College Theorems
- Bookmark-Keyword: Miscon. in College Theorems
- Title: Raising Laboratory Learning to a Conceptual Level: Does MBL Help?
- Author: Stein, J.S.
- Page Number: 471
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f280-600
- Bookmark-Author: Stein-Laboratory Learning
- Bookmark-Keyword: Conceptual Laboratory Learning
- Title: Transient Electrical Processes as Resources for Causal Reasoning
- Author: Steinberg, M.S.
- Page Number: 480
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f280-600
- Bookmark-Author: Steinberg-Causal Reasoning
- Bookmark-Keyword: Causal Reasoning
- Title: A Conceptualization of Students' Meaning of Understanding of Physics in the High School Classroom
- Author: Tan, S.K.
- Page Number: 491
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f280-600
- Bookmark-Author: Tan- High School Physics
- Bookmark-Keyword: High School Physics
- Title: Conceptions of Force and Movement, Intuitive Ideas of Pupils in Zimbabwe in Comparison with Findings from other Countries
- Author: Thijs, G.D.
- Page Number: 501
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f280-600
- Bookmark-Author: Thijs-Force and Movement
- Bookmark-Keyword: Conceptions of Force & Mvt.
- Title: In Class Methods for Getting at Student Misconceptions
- Author: Tobias, S.
- Page Number: 514
- QuickTime File: Vol. 3 f280-600
- Bookmark-Author: Tobias-Student Misconceptions
- Bookmark-Keyword: Student Misconceptions
- Title: Hierarchical Organization of Knowledge and Coherent Explanation in the Domain of Elementary Mechanics
- Author: Touger, J.S., Dufresne, R., Gerace, E.W. & Mestre, J.
- Page Number: 517
- QuickTime File: Vol.3 f280-600
- Bookmark-Author: Touger- Elementary Mechanics
- Bookmark-Keyword: Elementary Mechanics
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