The Meaningful Learning Research Group
The Meaningful Learning Research Group (MLRG) is the home of the Proceedings from the four international conferences on Research on Misconceptions in Science and Mathematics. MLRG began as a networking vehicle for Dr. Joseph Novak's graduate students. The group is now open to anyone who shares our interests in helping students learning meaningfully. We work with a number of common beliefs. Primary among these is the idea that the best way to teach is to determine what the student already knows, and then to teach from there. We are working on new strategic directions and offerings, so stay tuned. In the meantime, we are pleased to announce that Misconceptions Proceedings 3 and 4 are now available in PDF format.
How to Contact Us
Send an email to info@mlrg.org
Become a member of the Meaningful Learning Research Group
Membership is only $20 per year.
By becoming a member, you help support the continued expansion of meaningful learning publications, you will get a listing in a members page so that others can find out about your work, and you will get a voice in decisions regarding the creation of additional benefits.
You can also pay for your annual membership by paying $2.00 per month, billed automatically.
If you would like to support the work of the Meaningful Learning Research Group in an amount smaller or larger than the regular membership fee, you can donate any amount you like.
Acknowledgements: The upgrading of the Misconceptions Proceedings to the modern PDF format, and the upgrading of the MLRG web site, was made possible by a grant from the Golton/Novak fund, which is administered by the Cornell University Department of Education. The MLRG web site was hosted for several years by the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC). IHMC is the creator of the CmapTools concept mapping software and the organizer of the Concept Mapping Conferences, links to which can be found on the MLRG site. The original Misconceptions Proceedings was made possible by a grant from the National Science Foundation. Thanks are also due to all of the authors who contributed articles to the various proceedings and other publications found here.